Mazal Tov to
Rivka and Meyer Kohn on Avraham Dov's forthcoming marriage to Gila Cohen. The announcements of the Aufruf and wedding are on the Bulletin Board. The Shul is invited to attend and share in the simcha. Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by the Kohn family in honor of the wedding.
Kathy and Stu Perles and Dorothy Perles on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson and great-grandson, Yitzy Eisenstein.
Rabbi Cohen's Reflections - Volume 3
The Shul is preparing Volume 3 of Rabbi Cohen's Reflections. The subjects are Sefer Vayikra and Sefer Mishlei. Page dedication opportunities in honor of or L'Zecher Nishmas are available. Please speak to Rob Goldfarb.
Annual Shul Dinner
We are pleased to announce that our Shul Dinner will take place Sunday, May 17th at Cong. Shaarey Israel, Montebello. Please hold the date.
If you are interested in sponsoring Shalosh Seudos, please speak to Rob Goldfarb.
If you are interested in sponsoring the Avos uBanim program, please speak to Yaakov Grunstein or Rabbi Gruenebaum (845-642-9643).
Yachad Gifts - Mishloach Manot
The Shul received an inquiry from Yachad, the Special Needs affiliate of the OU, to distribute Mishloach Manos utilizing Yachad Gifts, which puts together baskets of Mishloach Manos for distribution on Purim. If anyone wishes to organize and participate, please contact Leonard Mann.
We will be holding elections for new Shul officers on Sunday, February 23rd. Eligible voters are Families who are fully paid full members. We are placing on the bulletin board a listing of our fully paid up full members. Please confirm that you are properly listed. If there is an error, please contact Leonard Mann. In addition, a committee for the mechanics of the election is being set up. If you are interested in serving on that committee, please contact Leonard Mann.