Meira and Simcha Renzoni on the Pidyon Haben of their grandson, David Yerachmiel Renzoni.
Hamakom Yinachem
Avi Sapir's Father, Shmuel Sapir died in Israel. Avi will be sitting Shiva at his home, 134P Edison Court until Wednesday morning.
Tisha B'Av on Shabbat
Rabbi Cohen will be speaking this Friday night at both Kabbalat Shabbos Minyanim on halachos pertaining to Tisha B'Av occurring in conjunction with Shabbos and being commemorated the next day.
Chofetz Chaim Videos
In conjunction with Young Israel of Spring Valley, our Shul is again showing DVD's prepared for Tisha B'Av by the Chofetz Chaim Foundation. The DVD's will be shown after the 2:00 PM Mincha on Tisha B'Av (July 26th) at Shul.