An usher will be at the door making certain that decorum is observed in the outer rooms during davening.
Mazel Tov to
Irit Foster and Yossi Ahronov on their marriage.
Shalosh Seudos
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored this week by an anonymous donor.
Purim Party
We will be hosting a Purim Party after the first Megillah reading on Wednesday evening, March 5th at 8 PM. There will be music and prizes for the children. There is no admission fee. We urge everyone to become sponsors for $18 to help defray the expense of the evening.
The annual Shul dinner will be on Sunday, May 10th at Community Synagogue. The honorees will be Leah and Yaakov Bodner and Shoshana and Yaakov Youssian. Please save the date and watch for the forthcoming ad blanks!
Chesed 24/7 is selling raffles to help support the Chesed rooms in 16 Metropolitan Area Hospitals. Please see Moshe Weiss for more information