Irit Foster and Yossi Aronov on their engagement to be married.
Kiddush this Shabbos is sponsored by Leeba and Yaakov Grunstein and Gitty and Heshey Zaiback to commemorate the Yahrzheit of Leeba and Heshey's mother, Gittle bas Aaron Moshe.
Shalosh Seudot
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored this week by Danny Ronay to commemorate the Yahrzheit of his father and by Risa and Moshe Weiss to commemorate the Yahrzheit of Moshe's mother, Liba bas Esther Zlota.
If you are interested in sponsoring Shalosh Seudos, please speak with Gerald From, Yaakov Youssian, Leonard Mann, or Willie Goldstein.
Shul Board Meeting
There will be a Shul board meeting on Sunday, February 15, after the 8 AM Shachris.
Purim Mishloach Manot
Purim is approaching. We are looking to send Shaloch Manos and have a Purim party. We need financial and volunteer support. If you are interested, please speak to Leonard Mann.
Chesed 24/7
Chesed 24/7 is selling raffles to help support the Chesed rooms in 16 Metropolitan Area Hospitals. Please see Moshe Weiss for more information, or click here.