The sister of Reva Epstein, Anne Okner, passed away in Chicago this week. Reva will be sitting Shiva there and she will return to New York for Shavuos. She can be reached at 773-274-2678.
Mazal Tov to Gerald and Paula From on the Bar Mitzvah of their Grandson Daniel Moshe. Mazel Tov to Josh and Rachel Ilan on the birth of Sarah Rose, sister to Batya. Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs David Greenwald on the birth of their grandson Binyomin to their children Chani and Chaim Weissman. Mrs Greenwald directs the JEP Hebrew School. Shul Dinner honoring Gerald and Paula From, Abe and Toby Kalker, and Dov and Lynn Silverberg5/15/2009
This Sunday, the Shul Dinner honoring Gerald and Paula From, Abe and Toby Kalker, and Dov and Lynn Silverberg will take place at the Holidome. Thank you to everyone for making it so successful. There will be a Yom Yerushalayim celebration on Wednesday, May 20th at the Young Israel of Monsey and Wesley Hills at 8:00PM The Shul is invited to the Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan (Yosef Tuvia) Malm, A JEP Hebrew School student, on Sunday, May 24th, Rosh Chodesh Sivan at 9:00 AM. Rabbi Cohen's Gemarah shiur for this week only will be Monday night at 8:30pm. There will be a small Kiddush this week given by Sheldon and Rachelle Salzberg to commemorate the Yartzheit of Sheldon's mother, Shirley Salzberg and by Leonard and Noreen Mann to commemorate the Yartzheit of Noreen's father, Benny Paikin There will be a Yom Yerushalayim celebration on Wednesday, May 20th at the Young Israel of Monsey and Wesley Hills at 8:00PM |
Donations to the ShulWe have set up a PayPal access page for donations including Dues, Seats, Library Fund, Aliyot LeTorah and more. Click the button below to access our page.
Weekly Classes
Rabbi Cohen’s Wednesday evening Shiur is following the late Maariv at 8:30 PM.
Rabbi Gruenebaum's Gemara Shiur is on Sunday evenings. See the weekly schedule for exact time.
Kiddush/Shalosh Seudot
We hope to continue to have a Kiddush if sponsors step forward. Please speak to Yaakov Grunstein, President or Gerald From if you are interested. Archives
June 2024