Shalosh Seudot is being sponsored by Moish Meisner to Commemorate the Yahrtzheit of his mother.
Sara and Aryeh Lazarus on the Bris of their son Shmuel Ezra.
Kiddush this week is sponsored by: An anonymous donor Gerald and Paula From in honor of the 4 granddaughters born in 2010: - Avery Nicole to Noam & Jackie From, - Adina Tova to Aron & Dasi From, - Naama Chen to Ahuva & Davi Katz and - Gavriella Michal to Avi & Elana From and the Yahrtzheit of Paula's father, Mr. Jacob Goldstein. Shalosh Seudot this week is being sponsored by Daniel and Raizel Yaniv in honor of Rabbi Cohen.
Chana Rosenthal, who will be making Aliya on the 28th to prepare for her Jan.17th wedding to Roi Yihye in Gedera, Israel; Mazel Tov to her parents, Dan and Karen Rosenthal.
Gedliah and Ahuva Litke on the marriage of their son Yaakov to Rivky Levin. Yitz and Charlotte Friedland on the birth of their granddaughter, Faige Chana to their children, Yisrael and Malkie Friedland. Lynn and Dov Silverberg on the Bris of their grandson Benyamin Zev born to their children, Avi and Gabrielle Silverberg Shalosh Seudot this week is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Yussain as a gift to the Shul.
Paula and Gerald From on the birth of a Grand Daughter Gavreella Michal to their children Elana and Avi.
Rabbi & Mrs. Rapp on the birth of twins Elishevah and Chaya. Earl and Susan Zeitlin on the birth of a grand-daughter Ella Sofie to their children, Jamie and Gary Zeitlin. Leonard and Noreen Mann on the engagement of Seagal to Stephan Hagege.
Paula and Gerald From on the birth of a granddaughter to their children Elana and Avi. Hoping everyone has a safe a Chanukkah and uses fire wisely. |
Donations to the ShulWe have set up a PayPal access page for donations including Dues, Seats, Library Fund, Aliyot LeTorah and more. Click the button below to access our page.
Weekly Classes
Rabbi Cohen’s Wednesday evening Shiur is following the late Maariv at 8:30 PM.
![]() Rabbi Gruenebaum's Gemara Shiur is on Sunday evenings. See the weekly schedule for exact time.
Kiddush/Shalosh Seudot
We hope to continue to have a Kiddush if sponsors step forward. Please speak to Yaakov Grunstein, President or Gerald From if you are interested. Archives
February 2025