ANNOUNCEMENTS ![]() The re-dedication of the Shul is underway. The Rov & the Rebitzen each sponsored a chair, As well as Dr & Mrs. Gerald From 1 chair each. Mr & Mrs Abe Kalker the 2 Mezuzos leading into the Shul. Mr & Mrs Amitay Stern, former residents of VG sponsored the Rov’s shtender ![]() What would you like to sponsor? See attached list of availabilities Mazel tov to Jay and Judy Lazarus on the birth of a grandson to their children in Florida. KASHRUS ALERT The O-U has issued a public announcement that due to the pandemic, some companies cannot meet the kashrus requirements and standards. The O-U guarantees that its kashrus symbol will not appear on any item which is temporarily not under hashgacha, BUT THE CONSUMER HAS TO CHECK EACH ITEM to make certain that the usual kashrus symbol is there. The O-U further warns consumers buying products online—even if the product online is shown with a kashrus symbol, the consumer has to make sure that the items delivered actually have that kashrus symbol as well. These are difficult times, and we consumers will need to be extra careful! Are you or someone you know "home-bound" and can't get deliveries, call Chaveirim 845-371-NEED (6333) FROM THE ROV
A POINT TO PONDER – from the Rov This past week we marked Lag B’Omer, the day when the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva stopped dying of the plague. The Pri Chadash asks a very interesting question—why was that marked as a holiday? After all 24,000 had died—there was no one left to die? SPONSORSHIPS Thank you to Yaakov & Shoshana Youssian for sponsoring the shiurim this coming week in hopes that Hashem will get us back to life the way we knew it – Quickly! Credit card console/kiosk - still available! (We have a partial sponsor) help turn this into a reality and help the Shul recoup losses Online Shiurim - still available! Please sponsor a shiur:
Gas For Iyar 5780 ONLY $300 – still available – NOTE heat still runs to protect the pipes – we did have some cold nights! Landscaping for the year $750 - still available – NOTE this has to be done in order to keep proper derech eretz for the Shul To make payment please use paypal [email protected] or call/email the president or Rob Goldfarb for other arrangements. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the 40th annual Shul Dinner is being postponed. NOW MORE THAN EVER – WE NEED YOUR HELP! As we are in a crisis and it is customary to give Tzedaka during such times, please consider helping to reduce our deficit by: Setting aside ONLY TWO dollars a day in an envelope for the Shul or Better yet, perhaps you would consider sponsoring the online Shiurim: it can even be dedicated in the Z’chus or honor of........ or BEST OF ALL, if you would commit to becoming a member (payment plans are available) ONLY $500/yr.
ANNOUNCEMENTS ![]() ALL shiurim are online at If you try to go on too early, and you can't, it means the Rov didn't open the forum yet. PLEASE consider sponsoring a shiur - see below for sponsorships. Rabbi Gruenbaum will be giving his weekly Navi shiur via phone on Sunday evenings 6 PM – 7 PM - ALL are welcome Topic: Shmuel א call in number 1-605-475-6006 (this is not zoom, call in via the telephone) access code 1149182 FREE LUNCH PROGRAM – For all children 18 and under – see separate email with attached flier. As we anticipate the reopening of the shul we can use some help in various areas – various maintenance jobs, painting, seudas hoda’ah, help with ideas on how to make the upstairs rent-able and so on. If you would like to volunteer your time, please contact me at [email protected] Are you or someone you know "home-bound" and can't get deliveries, call Chaveirim 845-371-NEED (6333) FROM THE ROV
SPONSORSHIPS Thank you to Yaakov & Shoshana Youssian for sponsoring the shiurim this coming week in hopes that Hashem will get us back to life the way we knew it – Quickly! Credit card console - still available! (We have a partial sponsor) help turn this into a reality and help the shul recoup losses – Stay tuned for an upcoming sneak peak into what it will look like I’YH this coming week Online Shiurim - still available! Please sponsor a shiur: ONLY $5/day, $20/week, $50/month call the president or Rob Goldfarb to make payment or paypal [email protected] Electricity For Iyar 5780 ONLY $400 - still available – NOTE Shul basics still need to be covered, AC will run so NO mold sets in! Gas For Iyar 5780 ONLY $300 – still available - NOTE Shul basics still need to be covered, heat still runs to protect the pipes! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the 40th annual Shul Dinner is being postponed. NOW MORE THAN EVER – WE NEED YOUR HELP! As we are in a crisis and it is customary to give Tzedaka during such times, please consider helping to reduce our deficit by:
ANNOUNCEMENTS ![]() ALL shiurim are online at If you try to go on too early, and you can't, it means the Rov didn't open the forum yet. PLEASE consider sponsoring a shiur - see below for sponsorships. Are you or someone you know "home-bound" and can't get deliveries, call Chaveirim 845-371-NEED (6333) FROM THE ROV
A POINT TO PONDER – from the Rov We are presently in the season of sefira, where we mourn the death of the 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva some 1900 years ago. Rabbi Akiva was the greatest sage of his time, and one of the greatest of all time. Thus, it is difficult to understand why his thousands of talmidim died? The rabbis tell us that 'lo nahagu kavod zeh bezeh', they did not treat each other with respect and therefore were condemned to die. Isn't this terribly puzzling? We all know that Rabbi Akiva's greatest emphasis was on the mitzvah of ve'ahavta lerayacha kamocha, love your fellowman as you love yourself. How is it possible that 24,000 of this great rabbi's talmidim all failed to get the message??? What happened? How could this be? SPONSORSHIPS Thank you to Yaakov & Shoshana Yousian for sponsoring the shiurim this coming week in hopes that Hashem will get us back to life the way we knew it – Quickly! Credit card console - still available! (We have a partial sponsor) help turn this into a reality and help the shul recoup losses Online Shiurim - still available! Please sponsor a shiur: ONLY $5/day, $20/week, $50/month call the president or Rob Goldfarb to make payment or paypal [email protected] Electricity For Iyar 5780 ONLY $400 - still available – NOTE Shul basics still need to be covered, AC will run so NO mold sets in! Gas For Iyar 5780 ONLY $300 – still available - NOTE Shul basics still need to be covered, heat still runs to protect the pipes! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the 40th annual Shul Dinner is being postponed. NOW MORE THAN EVER – WE NEED YOUR HELP! As we are in a crisis and it is customary to give Tzedaka during such times, please consider helping to reduce our deficit by:
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Donations to the ShulWe have set up a PayPal access page for donations including Dues, Seats, Library Fund, Aliyot LeTorah and more. Click the button below to access our page.
Weekly Classes
Rabbi Cohen’s Wednesday evening Shiur is following the late Maariv at 8:30 PM.
![]() Rabbi Gruenebaum's Gemara Shiur is on Sunday evenings. See the weekly schedule for exact time.
Kiddush/Shalosh Seudot
We hope to continue to have a Kiddush if sponsors step forward. Please speak to Yaakov Grunstein, President or Gerald From if you are interested. Archives
February 2025