Alter Glass and Roz and Seymour Kerner are presently at the Fountain View on College Road. They are requesting visitors.
- Alter Glass is in Room 1309 and can be reached at 917-710- 1210;
- The Kerners are in Room 1311 and can reached at 845-558-5746.
- Shelly Salzberg is recovering from knee surgery at his home in Jerusalem. He can be reached through FaceBook (https://www.facebook.com/sheldon.salzberg)
During Davening
We have a request to make to all our mispallelim: please do not approach Rabbi Cohen for conversation during davening unless there is a matter of URGENCY requiring immediate attention. This applies to all minyanim. Thank you!
Mazal Tov to
Yael and Isaac Mass on the birth of a son.
Alma and Yossef Perez on Shalom's engagement to Zezy Braven.
Kiddush Mevorchim Hodesh
We are having a Kiddush this Shabbos, sponsored by those given Chasanei Torah\ Bereishis Aliyos on Simchat Torah: Michoel Fisher ,Rabbi Cohen, Aharon Schwartz,and Stu Perles.
Shalosh Seudot
Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by Gail and Pinchas Kleerekoper to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of his Mother, Mirel Shulamis bas Pinchas.
Anyone interested in sponsoring a Shalosh Seudos should speak to Rob Goldfarb, Leonard Mann, or Yaakov Youssian. Sponsorship is $75.
V'Ten Tal U'Matar
We begin saying V'Ten Tal U'Matar, Sunday Evening, December 4th in Maariv.
Shul Board Meeting
There will be a Shul board meeting, Sunday morning, January 1st, 2017 after the second Shachris Minyan.