Elisa and Usher Pantierer on the Bar-Mitzvah of their son, Moshe Eliyahu.
Mel Sternfield on the birth of a granddaughter to his children, Shirah and. Shimon Dovid Sternfield.
Arba Minim
This year the Shul has once again arranged to obtain Arba Minim. The cost is $60, payable in advance. Please place orders with Gerald From.
Late Maariv
Please note that this week the Late Maariv switches to 8:30PM.
Yomim Noraim
As we approach the Yomim Noraim, we have been selling tickets; We urge everyone to please clear up their outstanding Shul accounts; This Year, the ticket prices have been increased slightly, however, no one will be turned away for financial reasons. Willie Goldstein, our seating Chairman will be available at the weekday Mincha-Maariv Minyan and the 8:00 Shachris Minyan; Please Do not call him at home.
Rosh Hashanah Greeting Card
Part of what makes the Yomim Noraim special at our Shul is the Rosh Hashanah Greeting card put together every year by the Sisterhood; If you would like to participate, we have flyers in front. You can also speak with Kathy Perles, the deadline is Sunday,Sept 1.