Esther and Avi Moeller on the birth of their son, Yisroel Dov Simcha.
Yomim Noraim Seats
With the advent of Chodesh Elul, we've begun preparing for the Yomim Noraim. Seats are available. Our Seating Committee (Jimmy Katz and Willie Goldstein) are available after our daily Minyanim during the week: $50 for Members, $150 for Associate Members and Non-Members. Prior to receiving seats, all previous financial obligations to the Shul need to be taken care of either by payment or arrangement with our treasurer.
No one will be turned away for lack of funds. We do, however, insist that all those who plan to daven with us, including those who come to hear Shofar blowing only, speak to the seating committee, in advance, to reserve seats and to financially support the Shul. As stated, no one will be turned away, but it is inappropriate for individuals to use our Shul and not financially support it.