Mazel Tov to Rob and Mindy Goldfarb on Gitty's upcoming marriage to David Rozner!
Mazel Tov to Ben and Smadar Chafetz and their children on their forthcoming move to the Cleveland, Ohio Area. You will alway be welcome when come to visit Monsey! The Shabbos Mevorchim kiddush is sponsored by Willie Goldstein to commemorate the yahrtzheits of his mother and father and by Marilyn May to commemorate the yahrzheit of her husband. Mazel Tov to Eli and Fayge Mayer on the upcoming marriage of their son Sruli to Baila Kleiner, this week. We regret to inform you that our former member, Donny Zwickler, lost a brother, Rabbi Joel Zwickler, this week. Dr. Donnie Zwickler will be sitting shiva at his home, 23 Lyncrest, Monsey, only on Sunday June 22 from 8:00 am (shacharis) to 9:00 pm. After that he will be back in Far Rockaway. His mother, sister and brother will be sitting with him on Sunday. After Rabbi Cohen’s Gemora class on Shabbos afternoon, there will be a special shalosh seudos, sponsored by George Fleischman, Morty Lempel and Stu Perles, to commemorate their completion of Maseches Shabbos. Mazel Tov to: David and Devorah Lourie on the bris of their grandson, Moshe & to Shlomo and Devorah Schwartz on the bris of their son, Yossi. Ben and Smadar Chafetz are celebrating the birth of their daughter, Tzippy, by providing a kiddush after Mussaf this Shabbos. There will be a Graduation Kiddush on the Shabbos, June 14 th . If interested in being a sponsor of that kiddush or any other kiddush, please contact Leonard Mann, Sheldon Salzberg or Yossie Ohana. A list of the Shiurim which will be presented on first night Shavuot, is displayed on the Shul bulletin board. |
Donations to the ShulWe have set up a PayPal access page for donations including Dues, Seats, Library Fund, Aliyot LeTorah and more. Click the button below to access our page.
Weekly Classes
Rabbi Cohen’s Wednesday evening Shiur is following the late Maariv at 8:30 PM.
Rabbi Gruenebaum's Gemara Shiur is on Sunday evenings. See the weekly schedule for exact time.
Kiddush/Shalosh Seudot
We hope to continue to have a Kiddush if sponsors step forward. Please speak to Yaakov Grunstein, President or Gerald From if you are interested. Archives
June 2024