Mazal Tov to
Shulamis and Ruvain Chait on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Ephraim Tzvi Chait.
Late Maariv
Please note that this week the late Maariv switches to 8:30 PM and that next Friday, September 7th, there will only be one Mincha\ Kabbalas Shabbos Minyan minyan.
Seats - Yomim Noraim
Seats for Yomim Noraim Davening are available for purchase. Our seating chairmen, Jimmy Katz and Stu Serkin are available in Shul after the 8:00 AM Shachris Minyan and after Mincha/ Maariv. Please be sure to settle all outstanding Shul accounts prior to purchasing seats.
Sisterhood Rosh Hashana Greeting
A Shul Rosh Hashana card is being prepared by Kathy Perles on behalf of the Sisterhood. We've sent a flier out and also have placed information on the Luach and Bulletin Board.