We regret to inform you of the death of Moshe Goldstein, Willie Goldstein's brother. Willie will finish sitting shiva this Sunday. He can be reached at 845-642 -1599.
Mazel Tov to
Miriam and Rabbi Cohen on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Esther Rasha Anemer, born to their grandchildren, Chani and Boruch Ber Anemer.
Sisterhood of Community Synagogue
This Sunday, the Sisterhood of Community Synagogue will have sponsored a Yom Iyun at 9:00AM. The speakers will be Esther Wein and Leah Herzog.
Yom Ha'atzmaut
Monday is Yom Ha'atzmaut. On Sunday night, we are co-sponsoring a celebration at Community Synagogue. The celebration will begin with Mincha at 7:45PM, after which Rabbi Menachem Penner of Yeshiva University will speak. In our Shul, I urge everyone to offer Hakaras Hatov to those among us who are veterans of the Israeli Army. Their bravery and steadfastness have helped defend Israel for all of Klal Yisroel.
Annual Shul Dinner
The Annual Shul Dinner is scheduled for Sunday, May 11 at Community Synagogue. Our Honorees are: Chagit & Yossi Dahan and Bruriah & Michael Nachmani. Please hold the date and support the Dinner to help maintain and sustain the Shul.