Batya and Meir Rugys on their marriage, and to Batya's Parents, Judy and Jay Lazarus.
Seudat Shlishit
Seudat Shlishit is being sponsored this Shabbos by Noreen and Leonard Mann to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Leonard's Father, Newton Mann. The Shul will be hosting a wine tasting on March 23 at 7:45 PM. Those who attend will be eligible for the discounted rates on the wine.
Shul Board Meeting
There will be a Shul Board Meeting Sunday,the 30th of March after the second Shachris.
Annual Shul Dinner
The Annual Shul Dinner is scheduled for Sunday, May 11 at Community Synagogue. Our Honorees are: Chagit & Yossi Dahan and Bruriah & Michael Nachmani. Please hold the date and support the Dinner to help maintain and sustain the Shul.