Debbie and Joel Allen on the Bat-Mitzvah of their grand-daughter, Ahuva Allen in Israel this past week.
Toby and Abe Kalker on the Birth of a grand-daughter Sophia Allison Sztulwart, born to their children, Naava and Arie Sztulwart.
Shalosh Seudot
This week's Shaleh Shudos is being sponsored this week by Arlene and Ira Schwartz to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Ira's father Anyone interested in sponsoring future Shalosh Seudos should speak to Willie Goldstein, Leonard Mann, or Shaya Rotbard
Baruch Dayan Emet
We regret to inform you of the petirah of our member, Dr. Joseph Mayer, z.l. on Shabbos. Mrs. Mayer & her son Naftoli are sitting Shiva in her home, 532 E. 8th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218 (Tel: 718-856-6743) Dr. Eli Mayer is sit Shiva in Yerushalayim. Ha-makom y'nakhem otam b'toch sh'ar avelei tziyon virushalayim May G-d comfort them together with all the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Pesach - Maot Chittim
As Pesach approaches, Rabbi Cohen will be available to sell your Chometz; We urge everyone to participate in our Annual Maot Chittim campaign to assist all members of our community to Purchase their Pesach food requirements; mailings have been sent out; If you need more information, Please feel free to contact any officer
Annual Dinner
We are proud to announce that this Year, our Annual Dinner will take place Sunday, May 5th at L'Chaim Manor; Our Honorees are Moishe Meisne, the Shul's Financial Secretary and Marcia Fastag, who puts together the Shul's weekly bulletin.