Sorah Toby and BenTzion Katz on their recent marriage.
Seudat Shlishit
Seudat Shlishit is being sponsored this Shabbos by Karen and Dan Rosenthal as a gift to the Shul.
To sponsor a Seudat Shlishit, please speak to Willie Goldstein, Yossi Amsel or Yaakov Yussain.
Wine Tasting
The Shul will be hosting a wine tasting on March 23 at 7:45 PM. Those who attend will be eligible for the discounted rates on the wine.
Shul Board Meetng
There will be a Shul Board Meeting Sunday,the 30th of March after the second Shachris.
Annual Shul Dinner
The Annual Shul Dinner is scheduled for Sunday, May 11 at Community Synagogue. Our Honorees are: Chagit & Yossi Dahan and Bruriah & Michael Nachmani. Please hold the date and support the Dinner to help maintain and sustain the Shul.