Esther and Mordy Lempel on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Tamara and Shaya Lempel.
Chaya Tova and Larry Lipoff on the Bris of their grandson, Avraham Lipoff.
Leonard Mann on the Bris of his grandson, Natan Oz Androphy.
Jacob Tzaddik Rubin on his Bar Mitzvah. JEP will have a 9 AM Shachris in the Shul on Sunday in honor of this occasion.
Rucki and Aron Schwartz on the Bris of their son, Avraham Chaim Schwartz and also to the proud Grandparents, Madeline and Justin Schwartz.
Kiddush this Shabbos is in honor of Shabbos Mevorchim. It is sponsored by several individuals, who wish to remain anonymous as well as by Mr and Mrs. Moshe Rotbard and by Yosef Cattan to commemorate the yahrtzheit of his father.
Shalosh Seudot
There will be a Shalosh Seudos this Shabbos after Rabbi Cohen's afternoon Gemara shiur, sponsored by Rabbi Gruenebaum's Shabbos afternoon Navi Shiur to celebrate the Siyum of Sefer Yehoshua and the beginning of Sefer Shoftim.
The Annual Shul Dinner
The annual Shul dinner will be on Sunday, May 10th at Community Synagogue. The honorees will be Leah and Yaakov Bodner and Shoshana and Yaakov Youssian. Please save the date and watch for the forthcoming ad blanks!