Ruth Simons A"H
We regret to inform you of the petirah of Mrs. Ruth Simons A”H, mother of Dr. David Simons and of Jonathan Simons.
The levaya was held on Sunday at K’hal Adas Yeshurun of Monsey.
Shiva will be at 10 Samlaw Drive Monsey until Friday afternoon
Zmanei Tefillah are Shacharit through Friday morning at 7 AM, Mincha/Maariv at 6.15 PM.
Mordechai Fastag
We regret to inform you of the passing of Mordechai Fastag. The levaya was on Sunday. His family is currently sitting shiva at his home at 241A Kearsing Parkway, Monsey.
The time of the Shachris for Minyan at the Fastag home has been changed to 8 AM. Mincha remains at 6:15PM and Maariv at 7:20PM through Thursday morning. Shiva will then continue at 1420 E 7th St in Brooklyn until Friday afternoon at 2:00PM. Marcia can be reached at 917-613-4854.
Directions to the Fastag home
Go south on Jill Lane until you see the US Postal Service mailbox in the Blueberry Hill apartments, across from Yale Drive.The building then immediately on your left/right is Building 24. Follow it until you see'241' and then go down the steps to 241A.
May the families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalyim.