Joan and Phil Soskin and Laura Soskin Kornblum on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson and son, Jared Tyler Kornblum.
Judy and Jay Lazarus on the birth of a grandson, to their children, Michal and Ari Lasker.
Shalosh Seudot
Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by Madeline and Justin Schwartz to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Justin's Great-Great-Great-Grandfather, Rabbi Shlomo Yisroel Zalmen Alexandrovsky and the memory of Susan Winarski, Justin's recently deceased Great-Aunt.
Anyone interested in sponsoring a Shalosh Seudos should speak to Leonard Mann, Rob Goldfarb, or Yaakov Youssian. Sponsorships are $75.
Next Shabbos, December 26th, there will be a Kiddush and Siyum to commemorate the Shloshim of Tziporah Unger. It will take place after Davening at Rabbi Spiegel's Shul, Tefilla L'Moshe, 35 Brockton Rd.
There will be a Kiddush on January 9th, Shabbos Mevorchim for Shvat. If you're interested in sponsoring it, please speak to Leonard Mann or Yaakov Grunstein. Tomche Shabbos dinner is on Sunday, January 10th at the Atrium. Please check the bulletin board for details.