On Wednesday, Erev Pesach, Birchas Hachama is recited.
There will be a Siyum Bechoros after each Shacharis minyan on Wednesday. Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin in order to be able to cook on YomTov for Shabbos Chol Hamoed. In preparation for Pesach, we urge everyone to contribute to the Shul's Maos Chittim campaign. Rabbi Cohen will be available to arrange for the sale of chometz as follows: On Sunday April 5th, he will be available from after the 7:00am Minyan until 8:15am, and the rest of the week, from after the 7:00am Shachris and from 6:15pm prior to Mincha/Maariv until 8:00pm. If these times are not convenient please contact Rabbi Cohen to make an appointment.