Sora and Rabbi Yosef Yechiel Gruenebaum on the Bris of their grandson Mordechai, born to their children, Esty and Menachem Gruenebaum.
Shalosh Seudos
We will have Shalosh Seudos on May 31, sponsored by Regina and Ernest Frenkel to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Regina's Mother, Esther Bracha bas Beryl Dov, z”l.
Overnight Learning - Tikun Lail Shavuot
Refreshments for the Overnight Learning on the first night of Shavuos are sponsored by Leba and Yaakov Grunstein in memory of Yaakov's Mother, Breindel bas Dov Lemel, z”l.
Celebrate Israel Parade
Please mark your calender for next Sunday, June 1st, the Celebrate Israel Parade in Manhattan.
Pre-Shavuos Lecture
On Sunday evening, June1, at 7:30PM prior to Mincha we are proud to host a Pre-Shavuos Lecture by Rabbi Yochanan Bechhofer on "The Halachic Significance of Rambam's Yud Gimmel Ikarim". Rabbi Bechhofer has written a sefer on the Yud Gimmel Ikarim, which will be available that evening