Mazal Tov to:
Arlene and Ira Schwartz on the Bris of their Grandson, Avishai Nachshon.
Joel and Ruthi and Ezra Lazarus on the birth of their daughter, Mllka.
Susan & Eugene Kornhaber on the birth of a granddaughter, Gittel Nacha Ciliento
We regret to inform you of the passing of:
Orna Ornstein’s mother in Israel,
Michael Ismach’s sister Fayge Ismach in Israel and
Mr. Arthur Sternfield - one of the earliest pioneers of the Frum community in Monsey
Make an Eruv Tavshilin is to be made on Thursday, April12th prior to the beginning of the Seventh Day of Pesach to allow the preparation of food on Friday, Erev Shabbos (Shevii Shel Pesach ) for Shabbos (Acharon Shel Pesach