Mazal Tov to:
Irwin and Julie Friedman on the engagement of their Grandson Binyamin Friedman to Shana Petlin.
The Shul is planning to make a Kiddush on Shabbat Shira-Feb.4th; If you're interested in being a sponsor, Please speak to Leonard Mann or Sheldon Salzberg
This week's Shalosh Seudot is being sponsored by Paula and Gerald From to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Paula's Father, Jacob Goldstein.
We are proud to announce that our Annual Dinner will be held Sunday Evening, April 29th in the newly refurbished simcha room at Asher ; Our Honorees are: Aliza and Usher Ponterier and Esther and Avi Moeller. The Moellers have been very involved with JEP. Their selection was made to give Special Honor to the JEP programs and the JEP Hebrew School, which is housed in our Shul.