Ari and Nesanel Benjamin on the bris of their son, Daniel Ezra.
Gila and Aryeh Robinson on the bris of their son, Akiva Simcha.
Gerald From, on being honored Tuesday evening by Gouverneur Hospital for his many years of dedicated service as Chairman of the Community Advisory Board.
Seudat Shlishit
Seudat Shlishit this week is sponsored by Etta and Izzy Zimerman to commemorate the bar-mitzvahs of their sons Steven and Andrew. If you are Interested in sponsoring a Seudat Shlishit, please speak to Willie Goldstein, Yossi Amsel or Yaakov Yussain.
Kiddush Chasanei Torah
There will be a kiddush next week sponsored by the chasanei torah. If you would like to be co-sponsor, please contact Leonard Mann or Yaakov Grunfeld.