Debbie & Joel Allen on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Drs. Dvasha & Nachum Stollman
Leah Matthews on attaining a BA in Child Development from Ashford University
Leslie & Seymour Ratner on the birth of a granddaughter, Rivka Ratner, born to their children, Mindy & Neil Ratner
Lynn & Dov Silverberg on the bris of their grandson, Etan Herschel, son of Altie & Menachem Silverberg
Chanie & Yerachmiel Simins on Adina's engagement to Avi Hersko
Hildy & Alan Straus on the recent engagement of their son, Gedalia, to Allison Fisher
Refuah Shlema
We wish refuah shlema to Binyamin & Stephen Gruenebaum as they recuperate from their recent health challenges and hope to welcome them in shul soon.
Hilchos Shabbos
Next Friday evening, November 8th, Rabbi Cohen will begin shiurim on Hilchos Shabbos immediately after Maariv. The topic of the first shiur will be the use of a lettuce dryer on Shabbos.
Seudat Shlishit
Seudat Shlishit is being sponsored this Shabbos by The Affriya Family. To sponsor a Seudat Shlishit, please speak to Willie Goldstein, Yossi Amsel or Yaakov Yussain.
Kiddush Sponsoring
There will be a Kiddush in the shul on the Shabbos of Parashat Vayeshev, November 23rd, honoring Rachelle & Sheldon Salzberg, who are making Aliyah at the end of this year. To co-sponsor this Kiddush, please speak to Gerald From or Yaakov Grunstein.
Daylight Savings Time
Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 AM Sunday morning so remember to set your clocks back one hour Saturday night before going to bed.