Mazel Tov to
Suri Purec and Mordecai Genut on their forthcoming marriage.
Ahuva and Gedalia Lithe on Yechezkel's forthcoming marriage to Bracha Cohen.
Sara and Rabbi Gruenebaum on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Rivka'la and Shloimie Moseson.
Miriam and Rabbi Cohen on the engagement of their Grandson,Eliyahu Grunhaus to Racheli Shulman.
Shabbat Speaker
Israel Starck, a Holocaust survivor, author of "A Boy Named 68818" (Uncle of Paula From), will speak of his experiences this Shabbos in our Shul at 5:30 PM. There will be a question & answer period. Children are encouraged to attend.
Membership Campaign
We are presently in the midst of a Membership campaign. We urge everyone utilizing the Shul to join with us. Please seek out Leonard Mann, Gerald From or Rob Goldfarb.
We are in the process of completing an anthology of Rabbi Cohen's Friday night Drashos on Sefer Breishis. Sponsorships start as low as $50. If you are interested in helping to sponsor this endeavor, please speak to Gerald From or Leonard Mann.
Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana is only a few weeks away. Jimmy Katz will once again serve as our seating chairman. We urge everyone to clear up their Shul accounts prior to purchasing seats. No one will be turned away for financial reasons. We urge everyone to make arrangements prior to the to the Yomim Noraim.
Shul Library
Our Shul Library is not a lending library. Please only use the seforim in the Shul. Several books are missing. If you have borrowed any of the seforim, please return them promptly.