Shoshana Leah and Mordechai Adler on the birth of their daughter, Tzivia and to the proud grandparents, Stacy and Yitzchok Sperka and the proud uncles Yaakov and Naftoli. The Adlers are staying by the Sperkas and Mordechai may join us in Shul.
Membership Campaign
We are presently in the midst of a Membership campaign. We urge everyone utilizing the Shul to join with us. Please seek out Leonard Mann, Gerald From or Rob Goldfarb.
Rosh Hashana Seating
Rosh Hashana is only a few weeks away. Jimmy Katz will once again serve as our seating chairman. We urge everyone to clear up their Shul accounts prior to purchasing seats. No one will be turned away for financial reasons. We urge everyone to make arrangements prior to the Yomim Noraim. Jimmy Katz will be available after Mincha/ Maariv and after the 8 AM Shacharis Minyan.