We wish everyone a Shanna Tova and remind you to make an Eruv Tavshillin on Wednesday, Erev YomTov to enable food preparation over Rosh Hashannah for Shabbos.
Blood Drive
It has come to our attention that a premature baby born 1 month ago in Manhattan requires daily transfusions of O+or O- blood. If you work in the city and can make time or can otherwise donate blood for this child, please contact Moshe Rothenberg at 347-248-6584.
Ohaiv Yisroel's 40th Anniversary
This year on Shabbos Bereishis, we will celebrate the Shul's 40th anniversary. We are planning to celebrate with a Kiddush on Parshas Vayera on November 8th. If you wish to participate, please speak to Dr. Leonard Mann or Dr. Gerald From.
Seating Committee
A special thank you to our seating committee, Jimmy Katz and Willie Goldstein.