Esther and Moshe Mayer on the Bris of their son Menachem Aharon and to the Grandparents, Feigy and Eli Mayer.
Chanie and Phil Rosenthal on the birth of their granddaughter, Eliana Klayman, born to their children, Leba and Gavi Klayman.
Stacy and Yitzchok Sperka on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Leeba and Moshe Herskovich. The Bris scheduled for Friday, July 7th, at Khal Ahavas Yitzchok, 73 Forshay Road. Shachris will be at 7:40AM.
Sorah and Yehuda Gottlieb on the birth of a son.
Kupat Ezra Annual Asifa
Kupat Ezra will be hosting their Annual Asifa on Sunday Evening, July 23rd at the Atrium. Please support this worthy organization to the best of your ability.
Shul Board Meeting
A Shul board meeting will take place Sunday, July 30th after the 8:00 AM Shachris minyan.
Shul Security Group Safety Training Seminar
On Sunday, July 30th at 3:00 PM, Phil Rosenthal will be leading a Shul Security Group Safety Training Seminar in our Shul.
Shul Library
Our Shul Library is not a lending library. Please only use the seforim in the Shul. Several books are missing. If you have borrowed any of the seforim, please return them promptly.