Mazal Tov to
Paula and Gerald From and Ada and Jimmy Katz on the forthcoming Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Ayala Katz in Israel.
Feigy and Eli Mayer on the Bris of their grandson, Akiva Menachem Weller.
Hildy and AJ Straus on the Bris of their grandson, Yehoshua Yair Straus, born to their children, Elana and Giddy Straus.
Annual Shul Dinner
This year, the guests of honor for our 38th Annual Shul Dinner will be Malka and Stu Serkin and Menachem Ickovitz. The Serkins will be receiving the Ohr Chadash Award. Menachem will be receiving the Ahavas Torah Award. The Dinner will take place at Congregation Shaarey Israel in Montebello on Sunday, May 27th. It will be part of a celebration of the continuity of our Shul. On Shabbos, the 26th, we will be having a Kiddush in honor of Rabbi Cohen's 25 years of service to the Shul and at the Dinner, we will be acknowledging Rabbi Cohen's years of service.
Celebrate Israel Parade
We urge everyone to attend the Celebrate Israel parade on 5th Ave which will be on Sunday, June 3.