Malky Peres and Michael Peres on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Chani and Yossi Ergas.
Shavuot Night
Refreshments for Shavuos overnight learning sponsored by Regina and Ernest Frenkel to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Regina's Mother, Ester Bracha Hirsch bas Berel Dov Bernat.
Celebrate Israel Parade
The Celebrate Israel parade will take place next Sunday, May 31st on 5th Ave in Manhattan.
Shabbos Mevorchim Kiddush - Graduates
There will be a Shabbos Mevorchim Kiddush on June 13th. We will be honoring those graduating from any educational institution from nursery school through graduate school and beyond. If you are interested in sponsoring the Kiddush, please speak to Yaakov Grunstein or Leonard Mann.
Roof Fund - Matching Fund
We URGENTLY need a new roof. One of our members has donated a $6000 matching fund; for every dollar contributed, he will match it up to $6000. Your contribution is worth double its face value. At the Shul Dinner, when we announced it, we received $500. This matching fund will expire on July 1st. Please redeem the pledges made for the fund to repair the roof. Make your checks out to the Shul and mark it for the roof fund.