On Sunday afternoon, July 3, our Shul will receive a new Sefer Torah in memory of Willie Goldstein, a”h. Please hold the time to fully participate.
Mazel Tov to
Paula and Gerald From on the Bas Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Zoe From.
Esther and Yankel Hauptman on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Goldy and Moshe Kolodny.
Esther and Mordy Lempel on the birth of their granddaughter, Layla Pessel Breindel Dorfman.
Katzman Kiddush
The Shul is invited this morning to a kiddush being given by Amy and Warren Katzman at their home, 18 Crestview Terrace, in honor of the birth of their granddaughter, Chana Leah Katzman.
Celebrate Israel Parade - Yom Yerushalyim Program
Sunday, June 5 the Celebrate Israel Parade will take place on Fifth Ave in the City. That evening we are co-sponsoring a program at Community Synagogue to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim.
Details about the program are on the bulletin board.
Graduation Kiddush
We're planning a Graduation Kiddish for Shabbos, June 18th to celebrate the academic and professional achievements of our members. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please speak to Rob Goldfarb, Yaakov Grunstein, or Leonard Mann.