Shulamis and Ruvain Chait on the birth of their granddaughter, Leba Chaviva Goldberg, born to their children, Yael and Yisroel Goldberg
Susan and Earl Zeitlin on the Bris of their grandson, Gabriel, born to their children, Janie and Gary Zeitlin
Miriam and Rabbi Cohen on the forthcoming marriage of their granddaughter, Chani Lebenstein, to Baruch Ber Anemer
Bruriah and Michael Nachmani are sponsoring a Kiddush this Shabbos in honor of Nitsan and Tzviki’s marriage; welcome to Tzviki's family.
Graduation Kiddush
We will be having a Graduation Kiddush on June 8th, Rosh Chodesh Tammuz. Those interested in sponsoring the Kiddush should speak to Debbie Ohana or Leonard Mann.
Rabbi Gruenebaum’s Sunday, 5/26.shiur has been cancelled.
As Monday, May 27th is Memorial Day, please try to recognize our veterans by attending a parade or other commemorative function.