Amir and Nicole Benisti on the Bris of their son, Shimon David.
Shifra and Rabbi Yonah Lazar on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Binyomin.
Esther and Mordy Lempel on the birth of a granddaughter to their children, Gila and Aaron Dorfman.
Etta and Izzie Zimerman on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Shaya Zimerman.
Riki and Effy Taubenblat on the birth of twin daughters, Elle and Simone.
Annual Journal Dinner
Yasher Koach and thank you to all those, who made our Annual Journal Dinner, the rousing success that it was.
Memorial Day
Monday, May 30th is Memorial Day, honoring those who fell in battle defending our Nation. There are many ceremonies throughout Rockland. I urge everyone to take the time to honor and remember those who defended our nation by seeking out one of these programs.
Celebrate Israel Parade
Sunday, June 5 the Celebrate Israel Parade will take place on Fifth Ave in the City. That evening we are co-sponsoring a program at Community Synagogue to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim. Details about the program are on the bulletin board.
We will be celebrating Shavuos in 2 weeks, a full schedule of shiurim has been sent, if anyone would like to sponsor refreshments for the overnight shiurim please speak to Leonard Mann, Gerry From, or Rob Goldfarb.
Graduation Kiddush - June 18th
We're planning a Graduation Kiddish for Shabbos, June 18th to celebrate the academic and professional achievements of our members. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please speak to Rob Goldfarb, Yaakov Grunstein, or Leonard Mann.