Dorothy, Kathy and Stu Perles on the birth of a great-grandson and grandson born to their children, Jennifer and Jeff Eisenstein.
We will be having a kiddush after davening sponsored by Goldie and Yosef Malek, in honor of Betzalel's Bar Mitzvah and by Shainee and Aharon Tabi, to commemorate the first Yahrtzheit of Mrs. Tabi's Mother, Nechi bas Yehoshua.
Yom Yerushalayim
On Tuesday Evening, May 27th, we will be celebrating Yom Yerushalayim in our Shul with several other Shuls. Rabbi Neil Winkler of the Young Israel of Fort Lee will be our speaker.
Lower East Side Walking Tour
Community Synagogue of Monsey is sponsoring a Lower East Side walking tour on Sunday May 25th. If interested, please contact Barbara Minchenberg at 845-352-2501. Deadline is May 15th.