Mazal tov to
Rachma and Gedaliah Friedenberg on Yisrael's engagement to Tzippi Carl.
Celebrate Israel Parade
On the morning of June 2nd, the Celebrate Israel Parade will take place in Manhattan.
That evening, our Shul and several other Shuls in Monsey will celebrate Yom Yerushalayim. Rabbi Hershel Schachter of Yeshiva University will be the featured speaker.
Annual Shul Dinner
On May 19th, at our 39th Annual Dinner, we will be honoring Moshe Mayer and Howard Perles, who have been inspiring us on the Yomim Noraim. Please join us and help raise the funds to maintain and sustain our Shul.
Lag B'Omer BBQ
The Shul is hoping to have a Lag B'Omer Barbecue on Thursday, May 23rd. We need sponsors and someone to grill food. If you are interested, please speak to Yaacov Grunstein, or Leonard Mann.