Esther and Yankel Hauptman on the birth of a grandson to their children, Shlomo and Malkie Weiss.
Esther and Jonathan Simons on the birth of their granddaughter, Chaya Rochel Goldberg.
Alieza and Aharon Yizhar (Salzberg and Horwitz) on the birth of their daughter, to Chanan, her brother, and to the grandparents, Leah Meyers-Horwitz and Rachelle and Sheldon Salzberg.
Hamakom Yinachem
We regret to inform you of the passing of Marianne Erdfarb, mother of Stuart Erdfarb. May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.
Farewell to the Schwartz Family
This Shabbos, we wish a fond farewell to Arlene and Ira Schwartz. A kiddush has been sponsored by their many friends in their honor.
New Neighbors?
This time of year is always a period when people move. If there are any new people who have not introduced themselves to the Shul leadership and would like to receive Shul information, please speak to Leonard Mann, Gerald From, or Yosef Cattan.
Yomim Noraim
With the beginning of Chodesh Elul,we are looking towards the Yomim Noraim. Due to computer problems, complete Shul statements will be a bit delayed. Presently, the seats alone can be purchased and we can follow thru on making arrangements for outstanding Shul accounts. Our seating Chairman, Jimmy Katz and Treasurer, Rob Goldfarb will be available Sunday - Thursday starting this Sunday after the 8 AM Shachris Minyan and at Mincha\ Maariv. Nobody will be turned away for financial reasons, but we insist that everyone make prompt arrangements. Please do not leave things to the last minute.
Rosh Hashana Greeting
The sisterhood will be producing the Rosh Hashana greeting drawn by artist Sarah Shapiro. To participate, please contact Kathy Perles at (845) 356-0144. The greeting will cost $10 per family. In addition, yearly Sisterhood membership will cost $15. Please support the Shul's Sisterhood.