Mazel Tov to
Moshe Kleerekoper and his Parents, Gail and Pinchas Kleerekoper on Moshe's Bar Mitzvah.
Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by Dr. Leonard Mann to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of his Father, Newton Mann.
Avos U'Banim this week is sponsored by the Green Family as a zechus for Refuah Shleima for Tema bas Esther and Asher Eliezer ben Tzivia and by Kathy and Stu Perles to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Stu's Father, Irving Perles.
Annual Shul Dinner - May 27th
This year, the guests of honor for our 38th Annual Shul Dinner will be Malka and Stu Serkin and Menachem Ickovitz. The Dinner will take place at Congregation Shaarey Israel in Montebello on Sunday, May 27th. It will be part of a celebration of the continuity of our Shul.
On Shabbos, the 26th, we will be having a Kiddush in honor of Rabbi Cohen's 25 years of service to the Shul and at the Dinner, we will be acknowledging Rabbi Cohen's years of service.