Frumie and Gavriel Cooper on the birth of their son Yitzchok.
Etta-Jo and Meir Laker on Elanit's marriage to Dovid Rapps.
Esther and Jonathan Simons on the birth of their granddaughter, Rivka Silverberg, born to their children, Devora and Shuey Silverberg
Roz and Joe Zakutinsky on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Tehila Levi, born to their grandchildren, Dena and Simcha Levi.
Gedaliah and Rachma Friedenberg on the upcoming marriage of their son, Yisrael, to Tzippy Carl of Teaneck. The wedding will be on Thursday, July 11th, at the Atrium. Kabalas Panim will be at 6 PM, the Chuppah at 7 PM and simchas Chassan v'Kallah at 9:30 PM.
Rabbi and Mrs. Yonah Lazar upon the marriage of their daughter Rachel to Brad Katz.
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