Mazal Tov to
Nechama and Yehuda Joseph on the birth of a son and to the proud Grandparents, Gitti and David Bernstein. The Shalom Zachor will be Friday night, and the Bris will be Shabbos morning after davening, at the Bernstein home, 8 West Fessler Drive in Monsey.
Eva and Rav Michoel Weinstein on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Libi and Ezra Jaimes in Mexico City.
Julie and Irwin Friedman on the Bris of their great-grandson, Avraham Shmuel Bensoussan.
Shalosh Seudos is sponsored anonymously
Sponsorship opportunities for Shalosh Seudos are available. Please speak to Leonard Mann or Rob Goldfarb.
Annual Vaccine Clinic
This Sunday, October 21, the Shul will be hosting our Second Annual Vaccine Clinic from 7-9 PM, upstairs. Yitz Brezner, pharmacist at CVS, who is one of our members will be administering Flu, Pneumonia, and TDap Booster vaccines. Please bring your insurance information.
ASHAR - Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel
Rabbi David Lau, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel will be speaking at ASHAR on Motzaei Shabbos, November 3rd at 8:30 PM. The Shul is proud to be one of the Co-Sponsors.
Refurbishing Project
Presently, we are gearing up for the refurbishing of the Shul: a new floor, new chairs and new lighting. We need to raise at least $30,000. Please contribute to the best of your ability.