Bruriah and Michael Nachmani on the Birth of two grandsons, born to their children, Sivan and Danny Arama and Ela and Shmuel Nachmani.
Roz and Seymour Kerner on the Bris of their great-grandson, Avraham Kerner.
Gemorah Shiur Resumes August 10th
Rabbi Cohen's Wednesday night Gemara Shiur will resume after the First Maariv this coming Wednesday, August 10.
New to the Neighborhood
This time of year is always a period when people move. If there are any new people who have not introduced themselves to the Shul leadership and would like to receive Shul information, please speak to Leonard Mann, Gerald From, or Yosef Cattan.
Kiddush Shabbat Nachamu
We hope to have a Kiddush on Shabbos Nachamu, August 20th. If you're interested in being a sponsor, please speak to Leonard Mann, Rob Goldfarb, or Yaakov Grunstein.
Kupat Ezra Asifa
We urge everyone to support the annual Kupat Ezra Asifa on August 7th, 7 PM at the Atrium.