Mazal Tov to Malky and Yitzi Brezner on the birth of twin daughters, Elka Leah and Shira,and the great-grandparents, Rachel and Howard Goldring. Regina and Ernie Frenkel on the birth of their granddaughter, Mia Bracha Frenkel, in Australia. Hamakom Yinachem We regret to inform you of the death of Judah Koolyk 's Mother, Rebbetzin Shirley Koolyk, in Yerushalayim. Judah is sitting Shiva there until Monday morning and can be reached at 011972- .25662301 Kupat Ezra Asifa Kupat Ezra will be hosting their Annual Asifa on Sunday Evening, July 23rd at the Atrium. Please support this worthy organization to the best of your ability. Shul Board Meeting A Shul board meeting will take place Sunday, July30th after the 8:00 AM Shachris minyan. Shul Library Our Shul Library is not a lending library. Please only use the seforim in the Shul. Several books are missing. If you have borrowed any of the seforim, please return them promptly. |