Mazal Tov to
Gavriel Herzig on Moshe's marriage to Jess Gleiberman.
Mel Sternfield and Gary Sternfield on the Birth of their grandson and nephew, Yosef Chaim Sternfield, born to Rus Chaya Rochel and Eliezer Yitzchok Sternfield.
Navit and Ori Salzberg, and to grandparents Rachelle and Sheldon, on the birth of a baby boy in Atlanta.
This week' s Kiddush is sponsored by our Chasanei Torah from Simchat Torah, Miriam and Rabbi Cohen, Rachma and Gedalya Friedenberg, Gennady Greizman, Leeba and Yaakov Grunstein.
We are pleased to announce that Devora Lane will be presenting the Shabbos Women's Shiur. This Shabbos, the Shiur will be at 4:30, Mrs Lane will begin Sefer Melachim Beis;
The Bnos Groups begin this week at 2 PM Shabbos afternoon.
The Avos uBanim learning program begins this Motzei Shabbos at 8 PM.
If you're interested in sponsoring a program, please speak to Yaakov Grunstein or Rabbi Gruenebaum (845-642-9643)
This week Shalosh Seudos is sponsored by:
1) Feige and Elie Mayer to commemorate the Yartzheit of Feige's Father, Harav Menachem Mendel Ben Harav Alter Shmuel Aharon
2) Pearl and Beryl Phillips to commemorate the Yahrtzheits of Beryl's Grandfather, Berel Phillips, on 4 Mar Cheshvan and his uncle, Pinchas Phillips, on 5 Mar Cheshvan
3) Etta and Izzie Zimerman to commemorate the anniversary of their sons' Bar Mitzvahs.
Clock Change
Please remember on Sunday Morning at 2 AM, we turn the clock back 1 Hour to go on Standard time, remember to turn your clocks back before retiring on Motzei Shabbos.