Sponsorship Opportunity
In order to help close the deficit, we are looking for someone to sponsor a credit card pad, we need a sponsor in order to purchase it.
We have started coffee & tea 24/7 upstairs - sponsorships welcome,
Speaking to R. Cohen
Kiddush following davening upstairs - for those who want to speak with the Rov after davening, please go upstairs - as we would like to give kavod to the Rov by having him be moitzie the olam with kiddush - sponsorships welcome.
Mazal Tov to
Debbie and Joel Allen on the Bris of their grandson, Elimelech Chaim Allen in Israel.
Chana and Yosef Cattan on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Liat Pineles, in Israel.
This weeks Shalosh Seudos is being sponsored by Jimmy and Ada Katz in honor the yahrtzeit of Jimmy's Father, Yisroel Zvi ben Aharon Zelig Hokohein & Ada's Father, Avrahom ben Shlomo.
If you are interested in sponsoring Shalosh Seudos, please speak to Rob Goldfarb.
Thank you to Esther and Yankel Hauptman on sponsoring the Purim Chagigah along with Mr. & Mrs. Anonymous.
Annual Shul Dinner
The 40th annual Shul Dinner will take place I'YH Sunday, May 17th at Cong. Shaarey Israel, Montebello.
Washing Hands
As highly recommended by ALL professionals, please wash your hands with soap upon entering the Shul and exiting the bathroom.