The next Shul Board Meeting will take place Sunday Evening, June 28th after the first Maariv at about 8:45 PM.
Graduates Kiddush
This Shabbos we have a kiddush for Shabbos Mevorchim and our graduates. Mazel Tov to:
a) Nechama Leba upon her graduation from kindergarten at Bais Yaakov Chofetz Chaim of Pomona.
b) Sadie Hagege upon completion of Nursery School at Manhattan Day School and Elizabeth Schuler upon her graduation from Monroe-Woodbury High School. (Sadie and Elizabeth are Leonard Mann's granddaughters).
c) Nomi Shira Maslov upon graduating Jr. High School at Ateres Bais Yaakov in Monsey.
d) David Ohana upon Graduating from Yeshiva University with a Degree in Finance.
e) Yaakov Zeev Sperka upon his graduation from Yeshiva of Spring Valley.
The Kiddush is also sponsored by Yocheved and Chaim Senter to commemorate the birth of their daughter, Sora.
We URGENTLY need a new roof. One of our members has donated a $6000 matching fund; for every dollar contributed, he will match it up to $6000. Your contribution is worth double its face value. At the Shul Dinner, when we announced it, we received $500. This matching fund will expire on July 1st. Please redeem the pledges made for the fund to repair the roof. Make your checks out to the Shul and mark it for the roof fund.