Shalosh Seudot
There will be Shalosh Seudos, sponsored by Sora and Hyam Maryles to commemorate the first yahrtzheit of Hyam's Father, Dov Ber ben Shimon, after at 6:25 PM. It will continue past the second Mincha.
Annual Lag B'Omer Party
The annual Lag B'Omer party will be on Sunday, May 14th at the Shul from 5 PM to 8 PM. If you would like to sponsor any part of the event, please contact Yaakov Grunstein.
Yom Yerushalayim Evening of Learning
There will be an evening of learning on Tuesday, May 16th at 8 PM at Ashar, 360 New Hempstead Road, New City, NY 10956, in celebration of Yom Yerushalayim. The guest speaker will be Dr. Jacob J. Schacter, whose topic will be “The Reunification of Yerushalayim Fifty Years Later:History, Theology and Liturgy”. There will be Mincha prior to the event at 7:40PM and Maariv to follow it.
Serforim Library Dedications
We've acquired several new Seforim for our Library. Anyone interested in dedicating a Sefer should check the list on the bulletin board and speak to Leonard Mann.