Sponsors Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored anonymously. Avos U'Banim this week is sponsored by Leeba and Yaakov Grunstein to commemorate the Yahrtzheits of Leeba's Mother, Gittle bas Aaron Moshe and Yaakov's Mother, Brayndel bas Dov Lemel. Anyone wishing to sponsor a Shalosh Seudos should speak to Leonard Mann, Rob Goldfarb or Gerald From. Anyone wishing to sponsor an evening of Avos U'Banim should check the sign in sheet on the bulletin board or speak to Yaakov Grunstein or Leonard Mann. Shul Meeting There will be a Shul meeting this Sunday, February 10th, after the 8 AM Shachris Minyan to review the plans prepared for the Shul Refurbishing. |