Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Friedman on their grandchild's marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Soskin on their grandchild's engagement
Usher and Elisa Pantierer on the birth of their grandson, Yaakov Eliyahu.
Annot Ziporah and Yaacov Mizrachi on the marriage of their daughter Malka to Nassanel.
Rabbi and Rebbitzin Cohen on the birth of a granddaughter.
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Cohen on the engagement of their grandchild Chananya Grunhouse to Malka Lipsius.
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Frenkel upon the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Channa Finkelstein.
Hamakom Yinachem
We regret to inform you of the passing of Noreen Mann. Our deepest condolences to our beloved President, Dr. Leonard Mann. May he and his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim.
Shalosh Seudos
Shalosh Seudos this week is sponsored by Yosef & Channa Cattan to commemorate the Yartzheit of Channa's father Yisroel ben Yicyeh and Yosef's mother Baharia bas Sarah.
If you are interested in sponsoring Shalosh Seudos, please speak with Gerald From, Yaakov Youssian, Leonard Mann, or Willie Goldstein.
Shul Pledges
Please redeem your pledges to the Shul and bring your Shul accounts up to date.
December 4th we resume saying V'Sein Tal U'Matar.