Frumie and Gavi Cooper on the birth of a son. There will be a Shalom Zachor 8:30 in the upstairs of the Shul Friday night at 8:30 PM. The Bris is scheduled for Sunday at Beis Medrash Ateres Rosh Simcha Hall 16 Charlotte Drive Wesley Hills. Davening will beat 7:45, with Bris following davening.
Esther and Jonathan Simons on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Tova Bielinki.
Monsey Lectures
This Sunday, 2 prominent Rabbanim will be speaking in Monsey: Rabbi Meir Yaakov Soloveichik at Community Synagogue in the morning and Rabbi Abraham Twerski at KBY in the evening. Details are on the bulletin board.
Wine Tasting Party
The Shul will be hosting a wine tasting party on Sunday, April 3rd, a wonderful opportunity to pick up discounted wine prior to Pesach. Further details to be announced. For more information, please speak to Yaakov Grunstein.
Shabbat Hagadol Dinner
The Shul will be hosting a Shabbos Hagadol Dinner, Friday night, April 15th. Earl bird pricing will be $50 per adult; the regular price will be $60 per adult. 2 children admitted for the adult fee. Further details to be announced. Please speak to Yaakov Grunstein for reservations.
Chessed 24/7
Chessed 24/7 is sponsoring a raffle to support the Chessed rooms it manages in Hospitals throughout the Metropolitan area. Please speak to Risa or Moshe Weiss. We have information on the bulletin board.
Annual Shul Dinner
The Annual Shul Dinner will be held Sunday, May 22nd at Congregation Shaarey Israel on Montebello Road. Our honorees are: Leeba Grunstein and Yaakov Grunstein and Miriam and Rabbi Eitan Allen. Ad blanks are available at the Electronic Luach.