Amy and Achiezer Gable on the birth of a son; Mazel Tov ,also to the proud Grandparents-Merys and Michael Mechlin; Marcia and Michael Salzman on this Sunday's marriage of their Grandson, Uri Kunstlinger to Avigail Zaghi;
Shalosh Seudot
Shalosh Seudot is sponsored this week by Rebetzin and Rabbi Cohen to commemorate the Yahrtzheit of Mrs. Cohen's father.
Anyone interested in sponsoring future Shalosh Seudot should speak to Willie Goldstein, Leonard Mann, or Shaya Rotbard.
We would like to have a Kiddush on Shabbos Chanuka (Dec 15th). If anyone is interested in sponsoring the Kiddush, please speak to Leonard Mann or Sheldon Salzberg.
Shul Board Meeting
There will be a Shul Board Meeting on Sunday, Dec 2. We have important matters to review and urge everyone to attend.